My Birthday Weekend (13 - 15 Apr 2008)
I celebrated my birthday this year with both my family and in-laws together. We brought Kendrick out to Westlake restaurant for dinner since we have not gone there for quite some time. Kendrick seemed to end up the star of the whole dinner...inevitable I guess. Everyone said he was dressed so cute in this suspenders and top that my cousin Christina had bought for him when she came back in January. That was the first time I let Kendrick wear it too. Anyway, he was fairly well-behaved during the dinner although at one point he got frustrated and wanted to me to pat him to sleep. At least after that I managed to eat in peace for a while.

Then on a Monday, Dear and I were on leave. So we spent the evening at Vivocity along with Kendrick. Dear treated me to Italian food..something which I seem to have a craving for these days. Kendrick misbehaved a little though and we had to feed him his milk in between our meal. After that, he was better but still quite fidgety. Eventually he napped a while and by the time we reached home, he was awake again. So it was cake cutting time with Mummy!

And finally, my dear hubby surprised me with this lovely bouquet of flowers at work :) It certainly made my day.....