During the recent Labour Day public holiday, I met up with June, Andrea, Karen and their babies and hubbies. June suggested this gathering since we've all not met up for some time. So we headed to Marche at Vivocity and that day, the restaurant was really full of families with their kids. Even the section where we sat, 2 other tables were also families with their babies or toddlers. At some point, it got really noisy with all the kids making lots of noise!
For me, it was the first time meeting up Andrea since she gave birth and her daughter was really chubby and cute! Karen's baby boy, Jonah was not feeling too well that day, so they eventually left earlier and we did not manage to get a photo with them. As for Kendrick, he was quite well-behaved that afternoon even though he missed his morning nap. It was only after some time that he wanted to get active and walk about :)
For me, it was the first time meeting up Andrea since she gave birth and her daughter was really chubby and cute! Karen's baby boy, Jonah was not feeling too well that day, so they eventually left earlier and we did not manage to get a photo with them. As for Kendrick, he was quite well-behaved that afternoon even though he missed his morning nap. It was only after some time that he wanted to get active and walk about :)
Andrea and Baby Natalie, Me and Kendrick

Andrea, June and me with Baby Natalie and Kendrick