Of packing and cooking...
Over the weekend we started to pack up our home a little. I guess you can consider this the start of our 'spring cleaning' before the Lunar New Year! Besides our usual weekly cleaning of our home, we were just packing up our wardrobe a bit so that it is less messy. Yes...throughout the course of the year, the home can get quite untidy indeed! Just putting some of our stuff into boxes which we bought from IKEA and Courts...

Another thing that we have started doing is to cook our own dinner on Mondays...well, we only started 2 weeks, and I can't be certain how long this will last, but it has been pretty fun so far :) It kinda gives you a little something to look forward to after work. Although technically speaking, Dear is the one really cooking, but I have certainly been helping with the food preparation and cooking parts of it like the beef bolognese sauce..hahah....