Well, my second hamster, Toffy died this week on Monday. It did not really come as a surprise to us as she was already looking very old and thin. Despite her old age, she was still a rather active hamster, always eating and also running in the wheel. I was just telling my sis-in-law on Sunday that Toffy's days should be numbered. And then the next day, Toffy died. Dear was the one that discovered her not moving when he came home early from work that day. He realised that she seemed stiff and suspected she was dead and indeed she was. In a way, glad I was not at home at that time it was discovered, as I might feel a bit 'eeky'. Anyway, that leaves us with 2 more hamsters left. Hope they continue to live well like Toffy did.
On another note, the chest of drawers we ordered to put in our baby room was delivered some time this week too. On the weekend, we packed some of the stuff that we have bought so far into the drawers and took the chance to verify what we have against our checklist of baby items needed. Guess we still have quite a bit more on our list to buy!