Saturday, March 15, 2008

Gathering at Cindy's Place (1 Mar 2008)

Another backdated blog entry...think it's going to be this way from now on. Haha... Anyway, just a few weekends back, one of my colleague organised a pot luck gathering at her home, so Dear and I brought Kendrick along to meet them as they were also looking forward to see my baby. There was lots of food and most of all, lots of kids! Yeh, this is my bunch of colleagues who are mostly parents of young children and everyone that had kids, brought them along. I guess Kendrick is the youngest there, as most of the kids are around 1- 3 yrs old. Nevertheless, there was something interesting I noticed - the parents would mostly have to settle the meals of their children first before they start eating. Also, it was a male-dominated environment among the children :) Yup, most of them have boys! Kendrick slept most of the time when we were there as we arrived after his milk time. It was only as we were about to leave that he woke up for this shot below...