Sunday, April 1, 2007

I love dogs!

It was a happy weekend for us and pretty much a poochie weekend too :) FIrst of all, I was really glad to find out that Nike had been given another chance to live again! Ok, this is my grandmother's dog I'm referring to. He had an ear infection and my uncle's family had decided that it might be linked to this meningitis illness (which he had in the past). They were quite ready to put him to sleep, but took one more chance to check out with the vet first. Turns out it's only a ear infection that can be cured with careful treatment! So hopefully he recovers...

Sunday morning was also poochie time for us as we headed to Bishan Park to check out the Class95 FM DOG WALK 2007. Despite the slight rain earlier in the morning, hundreds of dogs and their owners still came to the park. It was the first time I've seen sooo many dogs gathered together, so it was quite an interesting sight indeed! From this doggie gathering, you also realise what type of dogs most Singaporeans. There were the big dogs like the golden retrievers and huskies, and small dogs like the jack russell, maltese, schnauzers. One 'community' that really caught my attention were the Corgis! Check them out below :-)