Well, it's the nation's 42nd birthday this year and how nice it was to have a public holiday last Thursday. As the thousands of Singaporeans flocked to the Marina Bay, Esplanade and Padang area to get into the celebratory mood and watch fireworks, Dear and I spent some time shopping during the day. And again, we watched the telecast of the parade on TV that evening while having dinner. We actually spotted a minor mistake made during the actual day's performance and we were telling our family about it. Hehe. Anyway, in the papers the next day were some photos of the NDP show and this picture really caught my eye.....what a strong (but also stunned) looking MM Lee catching his view without any binoculars on...tsk tsk on the younger ministers :P
Source: TODAY newspapersOn Saturday, some of Dear's ex-colleagues organised a chalet at Downtown East Costa Sands Resort, so we went there for dinner. Have not been there for some time and was surprised to see that a multi-storey carpark had sprung up right in front of the Downtown East entrance. That certainly makes parking a lot better, but I find it strange that it's so high that it practically covers the whole front look of the resort. Perhaps there would be more changes that would take place in time to come, as I saw the on-going construction of another structure in front as well. Anyway, I had the opportunity to chat with 2 wives of 2 other officers at the bbq and found it pretty interesting. One lady was also expecting and due around Nov, while the other already has 2 kids. The lady with the 2 kids shared a lot of experiences with us about her pregnancy and the bringing up of her kids. One thing she said struck me - that is giving birth is not the hardest thing of it all, it's the bringing up of your children that's a challenge and also an interesting journey. At one point, you wish they would grow up faster, but before u know it, you wish they were little cute babies again. Haha...I'm sure our parents would have that same thoughts and experience before. Will only know for myself in future :)