Sunday, August 19, 2007

Quite a happy weekend

This week at work went by fairly well. A small piece of good news is that my boss has found a replacement for my team, so my new staff will be coming in pretty soon. Anyway, with the weekend, I felt really happy after seeing my gynae on Saturday. Besides knowing that everything with baby seems to be going well, we also found out the gender of our baby! Well, based on what the gynae showed us on the ultrasound scan, we could see the "little birdie" and was told that it's a baby boy! Dear and I felt a little unconvinced but the gynae seemed pretty sure. Anyway, we will be going for a detailed scan in 2 weeks time to further confirm this and other features. Besides knowing this, I also started to feel some slight movements from baby in the last few days. This interesting feeling made me really happy and excited :) It's especially interesting to put your hand on the area where baby is kicking and feel it so real :)

Dear and I also attended the Ruan Ensemble in Concert 2007 on Sunday where Ivy was part of the performance. Here's a shot of us with the performer herself...