Thursday, January 17, 2008

My bundle of joy arrives....(7 Jan 2008)

I started to have the symptoms of labour on 6 Jan 08 with the start of menstral cramp-like feelings, plus a bit of brown discharge that was the 'show'. It got really bad towards the night and I had to call my gynae for his advise. At first, he mentioned that since there was not bleeding, I could wait to see him the next morning, but if I really could not take it or anything else happened, I should admit myself in hospital right away. Indeed, the pain got so frequent and intense that I had to tell Dear to send me to hospital. So off we went at 1plus am in the morning. I got admitted and was monitored right away for my contractions and baby's heartbeat. I guess that was the right move after all as my water bag subsequently burst at around 3plus am while I was in the delivery suite. I took the epidural jab a bit later on as I could no longer bear with the pain. By 7.29am on 7 Jan 2008, my little bundle of joy was delivered and the rest is history....

This is me while I could still rely on the laughing gas for pain relief

This is me after the epidural jab....what relief! with baby Kendrick Tan