Sunday, September 23, 2007

Weekend without hubby

Spent this weekend without Dear Dear. Feels strange to be away from him after so long as his last business trip was almost a year ago. But going forward, I might just have to get used to a bit more of his business travelling. Anyway, my mum helped me out at my home this weekend. She stayed over with me on Friday night so that on Saturday, she could help me with some of my housework. Really thankful for that, though there were also moments of irritation and disagreements in how we do things!!

So my weekend was spent mostly with my family, going shopping with them and hanging out at my old home, having meals at my granny's place and also celebrating my cousin's birthday. At nights, I look forward to chatting with Dear over MSN. Thanks to technology, we're able to have free conversation via MSN's video conferencing since I have a headphone with a mic. Hehe...every night I look like some customer service operator talking to the pc... :P

Well, just look forward to end of week where Dear and I can be together again!